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Haze Meter

Fison Haze Meters are designed to measure the haze and transmittance of transparent and translucent materials. They offer accurate haze and transmittance measurement, providing precise analysis in different materials. These units feature a wide measurement range, allowing analysis of different levels of haze and light transmittance. They deliver high-precision results with an advanced optical system for reliable and repeatable measurements. Our Haze Meters deliver fast analysis, providing quick results to optimize workflows.



Wavelength interval

Light source


Color And Haze Meter FM-HM-A101

  • Wavelength : 400 to 700 nm
  • Wavelength interval : 10 nm
  • Measurement area/sample port : 16.5 mm/ 21 mm
  • Spectral response : CIE Luminosity function Y/V (λ)

Haze Meter FM-HM-A100

  • Wavelength : 400 to 700 nm
  • Standards : ASTM D1003/D1044 & ISO13468/ISO14782
  • Wavelength interval : 10 nm
  • Light source : CIE-A, CIE-C, CIE-D65