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XRD Diffractometer FM-XRD-A100 Catalog


XRD Diffractometer FM-XRD-A100 has a scanning range of -110° to 161° and a scanning speed between 0.0012° and 120°/min for precise angle measurement. It supports transmission mode for enhanced flexibility in data collection. This unit offers high resolution and a strong diffraction signal for reliable results. Our XRD Diffractometer comes with a lead door interlocking device for enhanced safety.

Specifications :

Scanning Range -110° to 161°
Scanning Speed 0.0012° – 120°/min
Minimum Stepping Angle 0.0001°
2θ Angle Repeatability Accuracy 0.0001°
Angle Positioning Speed 1500°/min (2θ)
Structure of Angle Measuring Instrument Vertical angle measuring instrument with θs-θd structure (224-bit absolute incremental grating)
Scanning Radius Standard 225 mm (continuously adjustable from 150 mm to 325 mm)
Drive Mode θs-θd linkage; θs or θd single action
Output Stability ≤ 0.005% (with power supply voltage fluctuation of 10%)
Linearity of Full Spectrum Diffraction Angle ≤ ± 0.01° (International Standards)
Spectral Resolution 687 ± 5 [eV] (rms) (MYTHEN) or 125 [eV] (SDD)
Maximum Linear Count Rate 1 x 10⁹ CPS (no noise, MYTHEN) or 1 x 10⁵ CPS (noise ≤ 0.2 CPS, SDD)
X-Ray Leakage ≤ 0.12 µSv/h (at maximum X-ray tube power)
Comprehensive Stability ≤ 0.3% (40 kV, 40 mA, continuous operation for 8 hours)
X-Ray Tube Voltage 10–60 kV, 1 kV/step
X-Ray Tube Current 2–60 mA, 1 mA/step
Power Supply 2.4 kW / 3 kW
Dimensions (L × W × H) 1300 × 1000 × 1800 (mm)

Features :

  • Integrates electronic Protection System
  • Ensures ultra-high resolution
  • Incorporates one-dimensional array detector
  • Inbuilt circulating cooling water device
  • Equipped with a printer

Applications :

  • XRD Diffractometer FM-XRD-A100 is used to measure the structure, composition, and properties of materials by analyzing the way they scatter or diffract a beam of radiation and is mainly used in scientific research, the pharmaceutical industry, and nanotechnology.
  • Fison