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Portable Wine Refractometer FM-WER-A100 Catalog


Portable Wine Refractometer FM-WER-A100 is a wine refractometer, converts refractive index of wine juice or must to sucrose concentration in units of percent by weight, % Brix (also referred to as °Brix), °Oechsle and °KMW. Designed for sugar measurement in wine in the scale of 0 to 140° Oe, 0 to 25° KMW (Babo) and 0 to 32% Mas Sacch with accuracy of 1° Oe, 0.2° KMW (Babo) and 0.2% Mas Sacch. The sharp, high-contrast scale provides quick and easy readings when testing grapes, citrus fruits, fruit juices, soft drinks, melons and maple sap.

Specifications :

Type Handheld and analogue type
Sugar content range 0 to 140° Oe,
0 to 25° KMW(Babo),
0 to 32% Mas Sacch
Sugar content accuracy 1° Oe, 0.2° KMW(Babo),
0.2% Mas Sacch
Temperature range 0 to 50 °C
Temperature accuracy 0.5 °C
Temperature compensation 10 to 20 °C
Optical prism Optical glass
Material metal, glass and rubber
Dimension 30 × 40 × 210
Weight 0.27 kg

Features :

  • 0 to 140° Oechsle range with a ± 1 °Oe accuracy
  • 0 to 25° KMW range with a ± 0.2° KMW accuracy
  • 0 to 32% Mas Sacch with 0.2% Mas Sacch accuracy
  • Scales for Oechsle (Oeo), Brix (% Sucrose) and Klosterneuburger (Klo)
  • Provides quick, accurate readings of dissolved sucrose (Brix), grape must density (Oe°), and grape sugar content (KIo)
  • Automatic temperature compensation provides accurate readings without correction tables or temperature measurement
  • Light-weight, portable, includes protective carrying case
  • Measures concentration of salt and dissolved solids in aqueous solution
  • Provides reading in parts per thousand (PPT) and specific gravity (SG)
  • Automatic temperature compensation (ATC) with reference temperature of 20°C
  • Ideal for on-site measurements in processing and storage areas, or in field

Applications :

It is an easy to use tool for winemakers for measuring sugar in grapes or must, in the field or in the lab.

Accessories :

Accessories no Accessories name
1.        Carrying box
2.        Screwdriver
3.        Straw
4.        Wipes
5.        User manual
