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Portable Milk Refractometer FM-MKR-A100 Catalog


Portable Milk Refractometer FM-MKR-A100 is a handheld portable refractometer to measure the percentage of milk concentration (0 to 20%). It gauges milk fats concentration in a refractive index of milk sample, converts it to concentration in units of percent by weight, and displays the results. Through corrective coefficient of optical system, via prism and scale range, vagueness caused by cream can be eliminated and testing results are attained directly from milk.

Specifications :

Type Handheld and analogue type
Maximum milk concentration 0.2
Minimum scale value/accuracy 0.2 % of milk content
Scale divisions 0.2 % / 0.001
Maximum temperature compensation 0°C
Minimum temperature compensation 15°C
Material body metal, glass and rubber
Dimension 30×40×205 mm
Weight 0.21 kg

Features :

  • Measures percentage of milk concentration (0 to 20%) with a refractive index measurement
  • Automatic temperature compensation (ATC) for immediate, accurate calibration readings, regardless of ambient temperature
  • Minimum detection scale value of 0.2 % of milk content
  • Analogue refractometer fitted with an eyepiece which is adjusted easily and smoothly to different visual capacities
  • Necessitates very small amount of sample, about 2 to 3 drops only
  • ATC refractometer of 0 to 15°C provides accurate reading
  • Heavy-duty sturdy design, built-in durable lightweight machine aluminum material
  • Comfortable non-slip rubber outer grip
  • Includes manual calibration knob that is secured with a lock nut
  • Calibration of device is carried out by placing one drop of water on testing platform and adjusting to zero if needed
  • Comes in a hard case, with a calibration screwdriver, pipette and users guide

Applications :

This optical refractometer is designed for estimation of water content in milk. Specifically designed to help professional dairy farmers and calf ranchers to rear healthy calves. They are rugged enough to withstand demands of farm use, yet precise enough to give laboratory-quality readings.

Accessories :

Accessories no Accessories name
1.        Carrying box
2.        Screwdriver
3.        Straw
4.        Wipes
5.        User manual
