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Multi channel pipette FM-MCP-A100 Catalog


Multi channel pipette FM-MCP-A100 is a handheld pipette having 8 channels with a selection of different volume ranges. It provides quick dispensing of liquid volume ranging from 0.5 µl to 10 µl. Device is calibrated to ensure accuracy and precision in liquid handling. Known for reproducible and highly sensitive experimental results. Pipette is light weight and durable.

Specifications :

Number of channels 8
Volume range 0.5 µl to 10 µl
Increment 0.1 µl
Test volume 10 µl
5 µl
1 µl
Systematic error ± 0.15 µl
± 2.50 µl
± 4.00 µl
Random error ± 1.50 µl
± 1.00 µl
± 4.00 µl

Features :

  • Manually adjustable 8 channels pipette
  • Autoclavable parts ensuring sterility
  • Prevents cross-contamination
  • Piston-driven system for controlled dispensing
  • Tip ejection system allows quick removal of disposable tips
  • Volume display enables precise volume setting

Applications :

  • Multi Channel Pipette is widely used in fields of Food & beverages, forensic, cosmetics, agriculture, animal studies, chemical analytics, research applications at medical and academic facilities.
  • Fison