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Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer FM-LCMS-A100 Catalog


Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer FM-LCMS-A100 offers optimized and precise compound separation with pump flow rate of 1 to 4,000 µL/min. Equipped with advanced ESI and MRM for enhanced sensitivity and selectivity. Features user-friendly interface for controlling operational parameters. Integrated with multiplier detector technology for high-speed accurate measurement. Our Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer offers multi-component quantification and reliable qualitative analysis.

Specifications :

Solvent Selection Switchable between two solvent pairs (A/B or C/D)
Degasser Type Vacuum Degasser, Separate degasser for each pump
Pump Flow Range 1 to 4,000 µL/min
Maximum Pump Pressure ≥ 18,850 psi
Pump Flow Rate Accuracy ≤ 1%
Pump Flow Rate Precision ≤ 0.075% RSD
Sample Injection Modes Full loop injection
Partial loop injection
Microliter pickup
Injection Repeatability Full loop: < 0.3 % RSD
Partial loop: < 0.3 % RSD
Microliter pickup: < 1 % RSD
Cross Contamination < 0.05 %
Maximum Sample Capacity 384 bits; 96 bits for standard liquid injection
Maximum Column Oven Capacity Six 250 mm long chromatographic columns
Oven Temperature Control Range RT + 5 °C to 90 °C
Oven Temperature Control Mode Preheating of flowing phase + forced air circulation
Ion Source Type Orthogonal Vertical Spray
Ion Source Gas Supply Atomizing nitrogen: 0 to 2 L/min
Desolvation nitrogen: 0 to 15 L/min
Maximum Spray Voltage 6 kV
Control Flow rate, voltage and temperature set via software interface
Exhaust System Yes, prevents backflow and reduce memory effect
High-Temperature Blowback Gas Nitrogen with flow rate of 0 to 5 L/min
Vacuum Interface Heating Design Interface can be heated up to 110°C
Vacuum Interface Maintenance Simple cleaning and maintenance without vacuum unloading
Ion Transmission System 4-stage differential vacuum with multiple quadrupole transmission for accurate ion focusing
Mass Analyzer Triple Quadrupole
Quadrupole Material Molybdenum
Collision Cell Gas Nitrogen supplied in a cylinder (purity > 99.999%)
Resolution 0.4 to 2 amu (adjustable)
Mass Stability Better than 0.1 amu/24 hours
Scanning Speed ≥ 20,000 amu/s
MRM Channels 100 channels/s
Mass Range (M/Z) 5 to 1,000 amu
Dynamic Range 6 orders of magnitude
Sensitivity ESI+ MRM mode: 1 pg reserpine, S/N ≥ 100,000:1
ESI- MRM mode: 1 pg chloramphenicol, S/N ≥ 100,000:1
Scanning Functions Full scan
Selected ion monitoring (SIM)
Product ion scan
Precursor ion scan
Neutral loss scan
Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)
Positive/negative ion switching scan, etc
Detector Type Pulse-counting detector
Detector Technology Multiplier without positive/negative ion discrimination
Polarity Switching Time ≤ 50 ms
Vacuum System Composed of mechanical and turbo molecular pump (With differential pumping and automatic power-off protection)
Operating Temperature 18 to 25 °C
Operating Humidity (20 ~ 60) % RH
Power Supply Five sets of single phases (220 ± 20) V AC, 10 A, 50 Hz

Features :

  • Triple quadrupole analyzer
  • Optimized ionization efficiency
  • Polarity Switching
  • Versatile scanning techniques
  • High sample throughput
  • Intuitive software for data processing

Applications :

  • Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer is widely used in targeted component analysis for water and food safety, neonatal genetic metabolic diseases detection, environmental analysis, clinical research and laboratories.
  • Accessories :

    Computer System

    AC Stabilized power supply
    Laser Printer
    Nitrogen generator
    Mechanical pump
