Automatic Immunoassay Hormone Analyzer FM-IHA-A100 is portable, compact and performs over 200 tests per hour. Designed with 16 channels for high-throughput detection within 15 minutes. Incorporates fluorescence immunoassay technology to quantify hormones in blood, serum, or plasma samples. Features software-driven data interpretation for convenient result analysis. Our Immunoassay Hormone Analyzer is made for on-the-go diagnosis of endocrinal disorders.
Test Speed | Over 200 Tests/hour |
Number Of Channels | 16 |
Analysis Time | 15 min |
Screen | LED Touch Screen |
Interface | Connected to LIS by COM/USB |
Printer | Internal thermal printer |
Dimensions | 230 × 175 × 305 mm |
Weight | 2.4 kg |
Accessories Name | Test Number |
CRP C-reactive Protein | 25 Tests |
SAA Serum Amyloid A | 25 Tests |
CRP/SAA Combo | 25 Tests |
PCT Procalcitonin | 25 Tests |
HB Pheparin-binding Protein | 25 Tests |
IL-6 | 25 Tests |
CCP IgG Cyclic Citrulinated Peptide IgG | 25 Tests |
RF | 25 Tests |
ASO | 25 Tests |
RF/ASO/CRP Combo | 25 Tests |
cTnI Troponin I | 25 Tests |
cTnT Troponin T | 25 Tests |
CK-MB Creatine Kinase Muscle B | 25 Tests |
Myoglobin | 25 Tests |
CTNI/CK-MB/MYO Combo | 25 Tests |
D-Dimer | 25 Tests |
BNP Brain Natriuretic Peptide | 25 Tests |
NT-proBNP N-terminal Brain Natriuretic Peptide | 25 Tests |
H-FABP Heart-type Fatty Acid-Binding | 25 Tests |
cTnI/NT-proBNP/D-Dimer combo | 25 Tests |
ST2 Growth Stimulation Expressed Gene 2 | 25 Tests |
NT-proBNP/ST2 combo | 25 Tests |
Lp-PLA2 | 25 Tests |
VD 25-OH-D Vitamin D | 25 Tests |
Ferritin | 25 Tests |
FA Folic Acid | 25 Tests |
VB12 Vitamin B12 | 25 Tests |
AFP Total Prostate Specific Antigen | 25 Tests |
CEA Carcinoembryonic Antigen | 25 Tests |
t-PSA Total Prostate Specific Antigen | 25 Tests |
PG I Pepsinogen I | 25 Tests |
PG II Pepsinogen II | 25 Tests |
FOB Faecal Occult Blood | 25 Tests |
VEGF Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor | 25 Tests |
G-17 Gastrin17 | 25 Tests |
S100β | 25 Tests |
CysC Cystatin C | 25 Tests |
β2-MG β2-Microglobulin | 25 Tests |
NGAL | 25 Tests |
MAU Microalbumin | 25 Tests |
HbA1C | 25 Tests |
MP Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Antigen | 25 Tests |
Cpn Chlamydia Pneumoniae Antigen | 25 Tests |
Adv Respiratory Adenovirus Antigen | 25 Tests |
RSV Respiratory Syncytial Virus Antigen | 25 Tests |
Strep A Antigen | 25 Tests |
Influenza A+B Antigen | 25 Tests |
MP-IgM Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM Ab | 25 Tests |
MP-IgG Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG Ab | 25 Tests |
Cpn-IgM Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM Ab | 25 Tests |
Cpn-IgG Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM Ab | 25 Tests |
SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody | 25 Tests |
Total β-HCG | 25 Tests |
T3 Triiodothyronine | 25 Tests |
T4 Thyroxine | 25 Tests |
TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone | 25 Tests |
HB/TF Haemoglobin/Transferrin combo | 25 Tests |