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Automatic Immunoassay Hormone Analyzer FM-IHA-A100 Catalog


Automatic Immunoassay Hormone Analyzer FM-IHA-A100 is portable, compact and performs over 200 tests per hour. Designed with 16 channels for high-throughput detection within 15 minutes. Incorporates fluorescence immunoassay technology to quantify hormones in blood, serum, or plasma samples. Features software-driven data interpretation for convenient result analysis. Our Immunoassay Hormone Analyzer is made for on-the-go diagnosis of endocrinal disorders.

Specifications :

Test Speed Over 200 Tests/hour
Number Of Channels 16
Analysis Time 15 min
Screen LED Touch Screen
Interface Connected to LIS by COM/USB
Printer Internal thermal printer
Dimensions 230 × 175 × 305 mm
Weight 2.4 kg

Features :

  • Rapid turnaround time
  • High sensitivity
  • Minimal sample volume analysis
  • Multi-hormone assays
  • Built in quality control

Applications :

  • Automatic Immunoassay Hormone Analyzer performs hormonal diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, cancer, adrenal gland and reproductive disorders.
  • Accessories Optional :

    Accessories Name Test Number
    CRP C-reactive Protein 25 Tests
    SAA Serum Amyloid A 25 Tests
    CRP/SAA Combo 25 Tests
    PCT Procalcitonin 25 Tests
    HB Pheparin-binding Protein 25 Tests
    IL-6 25 Tests
    CCP IgG Cyclic Citrulinated Peptide IgG 25 Tests
    RF 25 Tests
    ASO 25 Tests
    RF/ASO/CRP Combo 25 Tests
    cTnI Troponin I 25 Tests
    cTnT Troponin T 25 Tests
    CK-MB Creatine Kinase Muscle B 25 Tests
    Myoglobin 25 Tests
    CTNI/CK-MB/MYO Combo 25 Tests
    D-Dimer 25 Tests
    BNP Brain Natriuretic Peptide 25 Tests
    NT-proBNP N-terminal Brain Natriuretic Peptide 25 Tests
    H-FABP Heart-type Fatty Acid-Binding 25 Tests
    cTnI/NT-proBNP/D-Dimer combo 25 Tests
    ST2 Growth Stimulation Expressed Gene 2 25 Tests
    NT-proBNP/ST2 combo 25 Tests
    Lp-PLA2 25 Tests
    VD 25-OH-D Vitamin D 25 Tests
    Ferritin 25 Tests
    FA Folic Acid 25 Tests
    VB12 Vitamin B12 25 Tests
    AFP Total Prostate Specific Antigen 25 Tests
    CEA Carcinoembryonic Antigen 25 Tests
    t-PSA Total Prostate Specific Antigen 25 Tests
    PG I Pepsinogen I 25 Tests
    PG II Pepsinogen II 25 Tests
    FOB Faecal Occult Blood 25 Tests
    VEGF Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor 25 Tests
    G-17 Gastrin17 25 Tests
    S100β 25 Tests
    CysC Cystatin C 25 Tests
    β2-MG β2-Microglobulin 25 Tests
    NGAL 25 Tests
    MAU Microalbumin 25 Tests
    HbA1C 25 Tests
    MP Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Antigen 25 Tests
    Cpn Chlamydia Pneumoniae Antigen 25 Tests
    Adv Respiratory Adenovirus Antigen 25 Tests
    RSV Respiratory Syncytial Virus Antigen 25 Tests
    Strep A Antigen 25 Tests
    Influenza A+B Antigen 25 Tests
    MP-IgM Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM Ab 25 Tests
    MP-IgG Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG Ab 25 Tests
    Cpn-IgM Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM Ab 25 Tests
    Cpn-IgG Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM Ab 25 Tests
    SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody 25 Tests
    Total β-HCG 25 Tests
    T3 Triiodothyronine 25 Tests
    T4 Thyroxine 25 Tests
    TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone 25 Tests
    HB/TF Haemoglobin/Transferrin combo 25 Tests
