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Flame Photometer FM-FPM-A101 Catalog


Flame Photometer FM-FPM-A101 is a fully innovative photometer engineered to analyze metal ion concentrations such as K, Na, Li, and Ca within test samples. It automatically determines the correlation coefficient of the test sample with a minimum suction volume of < 6 mL/min. Fitted with an RS232 interface for seamless data transfer that enables easy communication via PC. Our photometer is configured with a 7-inch color touchscreen display that provides instant readings of element concentrations.

Specifications :

Measurement Range K: 0-100ppm
Na: 0-160ppm
Li: 0-100ppm
Ca: 0-1000ppm
Display LCD Display
Elements Display Channels Max. 3 channels
Display Range (ug/ml) Potassium:0-100 ug/ml
sodium: 0-160 ug/ml
lithium: 0-100 ug/ml
calcium: 0-1000 ug/ml
Response Time <8 sec
Minimum Suction Volume <6mL∕min
Repeatability ≤3%
Stability Relative volume in 15s: ≤3%
Linear Error K:0.2ppm
Detection Limit K:0.1ppm
Linearity 2% (single-point CAL)
Optional PC Software
Curve Calibration Straight-line method; Polygon method; Quadratic fit.
Dimension 740 × 400 × 550 mm
Weight 27 Kg

Features :

  • Include RS232 interface for seamless data transfer and storage
  • Designed with an LCD display that allows clear visibility of working status
  • Equipped with an air compressor
  • Improved with a flameout safety feature guarantees operational safety and effectiveness
  • The relief valve is easily accessible for adjustment, enabling users to quickly set the pressure level
  • Optimized for efficient combustion using LPG, providing reliable performance and consistent results
  • Effortless handling with convenient cleaning

Applications :

  • Flame Photometer has wide applications in areas like clinical laboratories, pathology, research laboratories, soil and fertilizer industries, petroleum and mining industries, chemical product manufacturing units, and pharmaceutical and beverage industries.
  • Accessories :

    Air compressor 1unit

    PU pipe for air road 2.5 m
    Silicone tube (spare) 0.6 m
    Funnel parts 1 pc
    Glass cylinder 1 pc
    Capillary 1 pc
    Fuse 2 pc
    Power cable 1 pc
    Micro-printer 1 set
