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Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer FM-AAS-A100 Catalog


Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer FM-AAS-A100 is a fast and accurate microprocessor controlled analyzer with built-in computer data processing and LCD display. Analysis of metal ions by air-acetylene flame and graphite furnace atomizer with absorption at 190 to 900 nm wavelength. Features Czerny-Turner monochromator 1200 line/mm grating optics, paired with D2 background correction avails greater performance. Multiple atomizer configurations allow high-intensity analysis and ultimate ease of use within multiple applications settings such as environmental, agricultural and clinical, as well as high throughput labs.

Specifications :

Wavelength range  190 to 900 nm
Wavelength accuracy ≤ ±0.5 nm
Wavelength repeatability ≤0.3 nm (single direction)
Spectrum bandwidth 0.2 nm, 0.4 nm, 0.7 nm, 1.4 nm, 2.4 nm, 5.0 nm
Resolution < 40%
Base line stability ±0.004 Abs/30 min
Grating 1200 lines / mm
Inflamer All-metal titanium burner with 10 cm slit
Atomizer Efficient glass atomizer
Lamp Hollow cathode lamp
Lamp stand 6 lamps automatic turret, automatic alignment
Characteristic concentration of copper ≤0.04 mg/ml/1%
Detection limit of copper ≤0.008 mg/ml
D2 Background calibration ability Greater than 30 times
Flame system Air-acetylene flame system
Protection system Can inevitably cut off gas if pressure is low, power cut-off, flame out and alteration of the burner
Standard interface RS232
Power supply 220 V/ 50 Hz, 3 A
Gross weight 160 kg

Features :

  • Integrated flame/graphite furnace atomization system, changeable with flame emission burner
  • Turret for 6 pre-aligned hollow cathode lamps fitted with pre-heating, and individual pre-centered lamps
  • Spectral bandwidth of 0.2 nm, 0.4 nm, 0.7 nm, 1.4 nm, 2.4 nm, 5.0 nm
  • Characteristic concentration of copper: ≤ 0.04 mg/ml/1%
  • Detection limit of copper: ≤0.008 mg/ml
  • Built-in computer data processing system and LCD display
  • Double-beam system compensates light source and wavelength drift caused by temperature variation
  • Gas path system equipped with precision pressure stabilizing and current stabilizing devices
  • Multi-functional analysis mode: flame absorption, flame emission, graphite furnace atomic absorption and hydride generation
  • Integrated functions: integral holding, peak height and area, auto zero adjusting, deuterium lamp background correction, multi-linear and nonlinear curves fitting
  • Various parameters and working curves displayed in screen and report printing
  • It is equipped with autosampler and RS232 interface for externally linking PC

Applications :

  • Used in different areas of chemistry such as clinical analysis of metals in biological fluids and tissues such as whole blood, plasma, urine, saliva, brain tissue, liver, hair, muscle tissue, semen, in some pharmaceutical manufacturing processes, minute quantities of a catalyst that remain in the final drug product, and analyzing water for its metal content.
  • Accessories :

    Accessories no Accessories name
    1.        Oil-free air compressor
    2.        Glass Atomizer
    3.        Cu Hollow cathode lamp
    4.        Atomizer unit
    5.        Burner unit
    6.        Dust cover
    7.        Water-separating gas filter
    8.        Titanium burner: slit 10 cm

    Accessories Optional :

    Accessories no Accessories name
    Heating steps- 9 steps
    Temperature range: 20°C to 3000°C
    Slope heating time: 0 to 999 s
    Heating holding time: 0 to 999 s
    Inert gas: argon
    Inert gas pressure: 0.3 MPa
    Cooling water flow rate: 2 L/min
    Characteristic quantity: (Cd) ≤ 1 × 10 -12 g, (Cu) ≤ 1 × 10 -10 g
    Power supply: 220 V/50 Hz 3A
    Ambient temperature: 10 to 30 °C
    Relative humidity: less than 85%
    2 Hydride generator
    3 Graphite tubes
    4 Acetylene Regulator
    5 Printer
    6 Software
