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Aerosol Photometer FM-APM-A100

Aerosol Photometer FM-APM-A100 with high sensitivity is capable of detecting particles as small as 0.01 µm for exceptional accuracy. It measures airborne particle concentrations, used in HEPA filter leak testing and containment validation. The user-friendly interface streamlines operations, minimizing errors. Our photometer is built with durable materials for aerosol testing and filter integrity assessments.


Dynamic Range Up to 600 µg/L
Automatic Range 0.0001 % to 100.0 %
Sensitivity 1% of Readings for Ranges ≥0.01% to 100%
Repetitiveness 0.5% of Readings for Ranges ≥0.01% to 100%
Illuminant Solid-State Scattering Chamber Light Source
Instrument Shell Aluminum Cast
Aerosol Collagen Solutions PAO, DEHS, Ondina
Output RS232 Port Connection / External Printer
Alarm System Audio Alarm / Video Alarm
Lifespan 50,000 to 100,000 hours
Reporting Modes Continuous Mode / Storage Mode / Printing Mode
Scanning Probe 2.5 m Connection Assembly
Display 2.8-inch LCD
Power Supply 220 V, 50/60 Hz
Size (W × D × H) 260 × 370 × 160 mm
Weight 10.5 kg


  • Adjustable flow rates
  • Wide detection range
  • Data logging capability
  • High sensitivity sensors
  • Efficient particle detection


  • Aerosol Photometer FM-APM-A100 is a precision tool designed to measure airborne particle concentrations, ensuring HEPA filter testing and air quality compliance. Ideal for critical environments, it provides accurate, real-time data for maintaining contamination-free standards.


  • Scanning Probes
    Upstream Sampling Tube
    Power Cord

Aerosol Photometer FM-APM-A100 Catalog